Saturday, August 6, 2016

42. Games for the Kids - Action for Women Foundation in Kigali

Yolanda leads the kids program.
Aug. 6, 2016
Today Naomi and Ruth Ann had the privilege to help out at a program for the children of some at-risk households in Kigali. The program, Action for Women Foundation (AWF), was founded by Yolanda and Marvin, Rwandan friends we met through connections at Christian Live Assembly (CLA) church. Yolanda and Marvin are professionals who felt drawn to help with the plight of single mothers in Kigali. Many of these women have very few income options and many health problems, which limits their ability to provide for their young families. The program is small, including about 30 women in the Nyabisindu neighborhood. But Yolanda and Marvin have worked with this small group for over two years now, helping them build their own revolving credit fund and a small bakery/cafe business to provide some income and teach business skills.

I believe this was the second year they organized a 3-day children's program for the children of the women in the program. There were about 50 kids, ages 4 - 12. Yolanda lead them in songs and lessons to practice saying their name, where they live and who their parents are.

Naomi and I lead some games we called the "AWF Olympics". Some of the children were very small, so it was a bit chaotic but fun. We passed out hand-made, tin foil medals to each child when it was all over. Then we got to join in the best part - chipatis made by the women!

Note: the photos don't show it, but this was a family effort. Isaac and John did behind the scenes work, blowing up balloons and making medals (a time-consuming craft). Naomi and Isaac both "sacrificed" one of their school uniform t-shirts for the material to make the straps for the 3-legged races. Thanks everyone!
Young participant.

Proud mama.
"Doing our best."

Ready to try 3 legged racing!

Camp counselor-to-be!

The "moms corner" gets chipatis also.

Chipati made by the AWF women for snack time.

Cups ready for the red Kool-aid.
This is the kitchen for chipati production.

Cleaning up.
Games and songs.
Egg relay race.

Naomi gives medals to the 4th place "Libya" team. We made these medals with paper bag "ribbons" and tin foil covered cardboard. (No handy stores for buying plastic medals in Kigali.)

Incredible Yolanda on the L, amazing Marvin on the R, Naomi in the middle!

Snack time!

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